Friday, January 18, 2013

Calgary Zombie Walk - October 2012

WOW I forgot to post this! This is from the Calgary Zombie Walk... Dejathoris and I didn't take very many pictures so we were waiting for more to show up on the internets before posting... And then I must have forgotten. This could happen sometimes. As always, you can see all our pics on our Flickr! Dejathoris went a Zombie Housewife. Her costume had a lot more details than I can remember so I'm going to ask her to write her own piece.

Our View from the middle of the pack

So... I don't know if you know this about me, but I'm kinda a wuss... I can't watch scary shows or movies unless someone is around so that they can tell me when I can look back at the TV. Suffice to say, I decided that I wanted to participate in the Calgary Zombie Walk this year to see what it was all about!  I did this knowing I would probably run in the opposite direction if I came across someone doing zipperface...(Edit: Dejathoris would distract me by pointing in the other direction)

My excuse was that originally for work this year, we were being challenged to Zombify a non-zombie movie or character. I figured if I was going to make a zombie costume, I would want two uses out of it at least and it's most likely not going to be a con or hallway costume. Dejathoris and I happened to find out about a super sekrit Costume sale happening at the Epcor Centre earlier in the month so we decided to head on downtown to see if we could find any inspiration pieces. Whilst wandering I came across a BRIGHT SHINY GREEN DRESS that actually fit and was long enough that made me think of Tinkerbell.
Adorable Zombie Children

AND THEN I WOULD GET TO WEAR WINGS! As Dejathoris knows, and now you do to, I have a secret obsession with wings. I follow people around at cons that are wearing them, and I stare at them fondly every year in Halloween shops wondering when I would be able to wear some of my own. I've also bought a few in recent years but have yet to wear them. Now, now I have my excuse! And twice no less!

So I pretty much had everything I needed except for wounds. Knowing that I would be wearing the wounds two different times for long periods of time I decided to pre-purchase some wounds rather than make my own from scratch. I found two at the Halloween Shop (one of those temporary Halloween stores). One for my arm and one for my face. As scared as I am about seeing gore on others, I gotta tell ya, I got a little carried away in the gore section of the Halloween Shop. It was such an amazing selection! I basically grabbed one of everything before realizing I should probably control myself... Some of the newer sets come with their own spirit gum and remover and some are just by themselves. But look for quality. Also, look for transparency in the fake skin. The clearer it is, the easier it will be to blend to your own skin tone.

To get the layered effect we used Spirit Gum, a Dark Green Cream makeup, St Ives Clay Mask, and two shades of Bright Green hair spray on top. Oh! And I also used Dark green pixie ears. We adhered the ears on first, then I layered on the dark green cream makeup because it would take forever to set. While that was setting I attached my face wound. Originally I wanted it lower but it would not adhere to my chin. So I kept moving it up until it stuck in place. I then layered on some of the clay mask to add depth. Once that was dry I sprayed the two hairsprays for dimension. Add in the green catseye contacts and that's it!

For the outfit itself, it's the Green dress from the Costume sale plus two sets of green tights. I also cut up a pair of old boots to wear. One set of the tights were for my legs and one for my arms. On the left arm I slit a hole in the tights and attached the arm wound to my skin. This turned out THE BEST. Mostly because I didn't have to use a mirror. Layer on some green "zombie blood" after the same steps from my face and I was pretty much good to go!

I loved how many people were at Calgary Zombie Walk! So many groups and themes. There were a couple other fairies that were too far ahead to get a picture of but we came across some amazing pieces of work. Below is definitely my favorite two pics, the zombie bride and a close up someone got of my makeup!

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