Preface: Last year I wrote a rant about how the Calgary Comic Convention was at risk of turning itself into yet another Trek Con.... Then I went anyways, to go nerd out in from of John Noble and Jasika Nicole like the good little Fringe fan I am (I already am going through withdrawl).... I had a lot of fun, but there were a LOT of problems at CCC throughout the weekend.
Lady GyRox and her crew are on the fence about going again this year, Dejathoris hadn't committed, and I had yet to look at Guavious' work schedule to see if he was even in town that weekend. Basically to sum up, I wasn't really sure I was going to go.
Last Fall they announced Weird Al. And as much as I want to see Weird Al, I'm not paying the amount they are asking for the Stampede Corral. I've yet to pay more than $35 for a concert there so I'm not dropping $72 per person. And my other rational was I didn't justify seeing Spike's (James Marsters) concert last year, I could go without this year.
Then they announced most of the X-Files Cast... Gillian Anderson, Robert Patrick and Mitch Pileggi. All I could think of at this points was Congratulations Calgary Comic Con! You've successfully distanced yourself from becoming a Trek Con! Between this and the Walking Dead I thought that there was enough variety to appeal to a ton of people both local and tourist.

Immediately sent out emails to Guavious and Dejathoris asking them if they were in. Sent a feeler email to our 'Merican friend The Director to see if he wanted to come up and join the festivities. Haven't you heard? We are working on a Game of Thrones Cosplay Extravaganza!!!! This could be the most amazing thing that we've ever done. I want to tell Cercei how badass she is! I want to tell the Half-Man I love him! I want Cercei to throw a glass of wine and Tyrion to slap someone! I want... I'm not sure what I want because I might actually faint again.
And speaking of the problems from last year, Calgary Expo has done a pretty bang up job on their website explaining all the precautions they are taking to help facilitate an easier experience. I glazed over it earlier but I actually read through the whole thing this morning and I'm taking away some major pros:
1) Cell phone tower! Yay! Last year Lady GyRox and I got separated and couldn't call each other for hell or high water. Did you know that a payphone is now 50 cents? Did you know I don't know ANYONE'S PHONE NUMBERS?!?!
2) Traffic Flow and a shitton of signs! How delightful! But my favorite part of this is there will be NO STOPPING zones! Seriously, we need to implement this in malls, and grocery stores, and EVERYWHERE
3) They are moving around all the photo ops and autographs to a larger area. I'm all in favor of reorganization! I'm pretty familiar with the setup, and from what I'm reading, this could be awesome. I may need to bring non-cosplay shoes though. There is going to be a TON of walking!
Overall, I went from Meh to ZOMG I NEEDZ TO GO! I'm also really stoked because it looks like the whole Costume Guild will be able to go to the whole convention. Unlike last year...

Here's hoping I can find out some more about the evening events... Like if Kirby Krackle will be playing a separate show on the Saturday or Sunday... Inquiring minds want to know!
Pictures mostly from the, and
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