Why start this off with the finished product? Wig cap "selfie" way more fun! |
We also were smart enough to hire Victoria Hall who has done our Fiona and Wonder Woman photos to do another round of cosplay photography.
The first time we met Victoria only one of us was in body paint.... |
This ended up being our first major exercise in full body paint for both of us. Dejathoris has had an Ursula costume for a few years now and hasn't had the opportunity to photograph it (if you don't know this by now, we suck at remembering to photograph our completed work). She then thought it would be funny if the person who has the home for rescue animals (aka "The Zoo") would be Cruella DeVille (me).
A few months ago I purchased a Belletto Studio airbrush system for the full intention of doing more airbrushing makeup and honing my techniques. In order to get used to it I started using it for every day makeup. FYI: NOTHING compares to airbrushing your makeup on. You look freaking fabulous.
Dejathoris had also purchased an industrial sized air compressor and we found an airbrush unit at Princess Auto for cheap that worked. The only problem was the units vial for paint was non-gravitational. Meaning that the vial was below the unit, not above like the Belletto. That's my technical term for it. Deal with it.
We watched a ton of YouTube videos on how to do Ursula makeup but my favorite was this timelaps version which helped us pick out the teals and blues for the eyeshadows.
And although we were going the more "glam" styled Cruella, this was by far my favorite Cruella tutorial. She's just fabulous.
Cruella was a black Fun Fur coat we'd been gifted by Momma Dejathoris and we added some white cuffs, trim, and collar, and added in the "glam" wig. The dress was something I had left over but did not realize how SHORT it was.. My bad. I'd made the earrings and ring from a sting of faux-turquoise flat rounds I'd found at Micheal's. I glued the earrings to pin posts because they didn't have studs available, only earring drops. The ring piece was inserted into a cheap setting found there as well. I then decided to do a coating of Ben Nye MagiColor Grey ML-25. It goes on reeaaallly light but dries to a nice even grey, but fades pretty quick too. I tried doing contouring with powders afterwords but then ended up brushing off the body paint. So word to the wise, either do airbrushing or do regular makeups. Don't do both. And if you know how to do both, please email me! We sprayed my arms, legs, chest, back, everything! We used up the entire 1 oz vial that I was hoping to use later on in the week but no dice. I'd painted my nails red with the ring finger done in Dalmatian spots for added effect. Although in the pics you'll see that I'm wearing one red glove for effect too. I added red strappy shoes I had on hand (what shoes DON'T I have on hand?).
So we started with the big Air Compressor in our tests but it just kept getting clogged and the Belletto is smaller so we thought instead of hauling both, we'd just use the Belletto. Well, we started with the Belletto and if we had just stayed there, we would have been there all night and never made it to the party. It went on SO LIGHT. I took one of my makeup brushes and just started PAINTING Dejathoris to save some time. That worked pretty well. We then used the airbrusher to smooth over her, which worked out perfectly. We ended up being so happy with the effect that we nixed the contouring.
We then stuck with blues and teals for the eyeshadow. All came from the e.l.f mega palette that can usually be found at Superstore for about $11 during Christmas or Hautelook (or from their website, which I've never used for some reason). The final touch here is definitely the wig. It's actually a Don King wig, styled and sprayed white at the front roots for extra depth. There's a bunch of other wigs you can use but this one is the one we're happiest with.
I saw this bus stop and thought this would make a hilarious shot, I was right... |
The party was a blast, we met four other Ursulas one other Cruella. The opera-style Ursula (seen below) won the costume contest last I heard. I wasn't sure as we were getting are cards read. Point of note? Don't tell the tarrot reader that they are incorrect. They don't like that.
Random notes:
- Did you know there's a packaged "sexy Ursula"? WTF
- Don't drink and airbrush, you may break your toys... I'm afraid to email Belletto even though I'm still under warranty
- Don't have a cooler? Ice in the sink works well, especially if you're spending 90% of your time in the bathroom working on makeup. It also contains the mess a little
- Unrelated: don't leave open bottles lying around, you'll dump one eventually
- If you're in Calgary, Don't Hobby Shop has a LOYALTY program that I found out after repeatedly cleaning out their Ben Nye stock for WEEKS
- I'm a little mortified that I used the term Selfie, even in a caption
As always, all our photos can be found on our Flickr. There will be more Cruella and Ursula ones shortly!
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