Alrighty, so generally we don't keep an eye on the Calgary Comic Con because it tends to be very very Trek focused. And as you might notice, we're not really that big into Trek... By that I mean, I LIKED the reboot movie and according to many Trekkies, you're not supposed to. (At least that's what I've heard by the Trekkies I've met).
So back to the Calgary Comic Con, two years ago the lead guest was Leonard Nimoy, and that was when he was on Fringe, but according to their website it was going to be Trek focused. Now don't get me wrong, I get it, Nimoy is mostly known for Trek, but I'm into Fringe. Big Time. So I was a little miffed. The next year the big guest was Shatner. So that time I really didn't care... However, two days before the con I found out that Christopher Judge was going to be guesting too. And he only had one panel, at 10am on Saturday morning. That's it. Myself and Guavious are pretty into Stargate so we were miffed about that. And on top of that, I'm not PAYING FOR A FREAKING AUTOGRAPH!

I started casually following Calgary Comic Con's reviews online, and heard many 'o awfulness about their lineups and organization. It seemed that it was mostly geared towards pay-for-autograph line ups and the panels were not so awesome. I don't know what the expectation level is, and I don't know if the bigger cons are mostly like this, since we stick to the smaller cons (if you categorize Norwescon as a smaller con) but I agreed with the commentors that predominantly focusing on the two minutes each fan gets per celebrity is pretty ridiculous. I understand that you need to make a profit, but be reasonable.
So I wake up one morning to my favorite radio station announcing that the lead guests for 2012 is.. dun dun duunnnn "Stark Trek: The Next Generation" Reunion! And the internet Trekkies when crazy! I figured, meh, whatevs, no one's around that weekend, I'm not going to go. However, over my lunch hour I head over to their website and and proceed to LOSE MY MIND. Other guests include:
- Adam West
- Amanda Tapping
- Adam Baldwin
- Jasika Nicole
I've officially lost my mind at this point... I'm thinking to myself trying to figure out who I can go with because I.NEED.TO.BE.THERE. Since I can't stop freaking out, I head over to Dejathoris' place after work and some how manage to convince her to go on the Friday with me. (I'm still working on the Sunday). She's going to be hanging out with me, then flying to Sask. for a wedding! Talk about geek dedication! All because we came to the decision to go as: The Hunger Games' Katniss Everdeen and Effie Trinket! So all in all, I'm going that weekend and I'm going to see if the rumors are true and make my own damn opinions.
I feel the need to also add that I will be deciding whether or not I'm going to suck up my pride and pay for a photo with James Marsters wearing the WWBD shirt. I TV stalk him like crazy. I watched Hawaii Five-O because I heard he was the Big Bad in it and continued to watch it until (SPOILER ALERT) they killed him at the beginning of season two (THOSE BASTARDS!). I watched Caprica, although I haven't made it through nearly enough Battlestar Galactica episodes to know what's going on because I read on io9 that he had a handful of episodes. Seriously I TV stalk him like crazy. I can't help it, I loved everyone in Buffy, I TV stalk a lot of them. More than anyone in the Whedonverse, really.
Update: We've moved up the completion schedule for The Hunger Games because we've now decided to dress up as Katniss and Effie for the movie premier!
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